This page last changed on Feb 26, 2008.

Oracle Data Service Integrator Documentation > Data Services Developer's Guide

Generating Reports on Your Models

Both summary and detailed reports are available from the currently selected relationship model.

To create a report:

  1. Right-click in any blank space in your model diagram.
  2. Select:
    Generated Report > Detailed or Generate Report > Summary
  3. Select a filename and location. 
  4. Click Finish.
Summary and Detailed Report Categories Compared
Type Description
Summary Report Provides general information related the model including:
  • Location of each data service in the model
  • Type: logical or physical
  • Allows updates: true/false
  • Data source type
  • Data source name
  • Owner (if any)
  • Comment (if any)
  • Date created
  • Date last modified
Detailed Report A detailed model report contains all summary information listed above and, for each relationship between data services, the following additional information:
  • Return type fully qualified name (the qname)
  • Details on each Read function including Return type, description, and comments
  • Details on the data service relationships including role name, target data service, minimum and maximum occurrences, opposite role name, navigation functions including Return type, description, comment and user-defined properties
  • Dependencies — a list of all dependent data services

When you choose the Create a Model Report right-click option you are asked to select a name for the HTML document that is generated. By default, the name of the summary report is:


and the name of the detail report is:


You can save the report to any location in your application, including to a new folder.

Model Report Format

The model report is in HTML format. 

Print your report from any browser or application that supports HTML printing.
Document generated by Confluence on Jan 13, 2009 15:57